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How to find out how many bytes in socket before recv in Python?

I have a TCP handling streams of data. It takes 4096 bytes at a time, but I need a way to find out the whole socket size before it recv. This is so I can determine how many times the socket will be read before it switches socket. It will also notify that this is the last recv of this socket so that I can do something with it before select switches to the other socket when it becomes available.

def handle_tcp(self, sock, remote):  
    fdset = [sock, remote]  
    while True:  
        r, w, e =, [], [])  
        # How to find out how much bytes need to be read from socket?
        if sock in r:  
            if remote.send(sock.recv(4096)) <= 0: break  
        if remote in r: 
            if sock.send(remote.recv(4096)) <= 0: break  


  • You beated me to it. In accordance with Igor Kalinosvkiy way. You can either Use FIONREAD to do this or use MSG_PEEK and keep reading until empty. For example, after select().

    import fcntl, termios, array, math
    sock_size = array.array('i', [0])  # initialise outside While loop
    if sock in r:
        fcntl.ioctl(sock, termios.FIONREAD, sock_size)
        count = ceil(sock_size[0] / float(BUF_SIZE))
        print("Socket size: {} and count: {}".format(sock_size[0], count)