The following code written in C++ on Visual Studio 2015 crashes. I am using v 1.1.1
for AWSSDKCPP-Trasnfer
through NuGet
. I could not find any sample code over the net or proper documentation for using transfer manager with C++ SDK. If there is a mistake on my part please point me to it.
// download a single file from aws s3 bucket
// use transfer manager
// assume Aws::InitAPI() has already been called
int downloadFile(const Aws::String &bucketName, const Aws::String &objectKey) {
auto s3Client = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::S3::S3Client>(S3_CLIENT_TAG);
TransferManagerConfiguration transferConfig;
transferConfig.s3Client = s3Client;
// lambda for download progress callback
transferConfig.downloadProgressCallback =
[](const TransferManager*, const TransferHandle& handle)
{ std::cout << handle.IsMultipart() << std::endl; };
// the fabled transfer manager
TransferManager transferManager(transferConfig);
auto transferHandle = transferManager.DownloadFile(bucketName, "sample.txt", "sample.txt");
transferHandle->WaitUntilFinished(); // block calling thread until download complete
return 0;
No, there's no mistake on your part. This is a issue #574. A fix is in the pipeline. Should be released shortly.