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Printing array result more than once?

I need the println to display only the first result (input[0]) but it is displaying it once for each split. for example, If I split the string into 5 parts, it will print it once more?

input: "Chelsea : Arsenal : 2 : 1"

output: Chelsea




please enter match result:

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

                for (int b=0; b < 5; b++){

                System.out.println("please enter match result:");
                String s = sc.nextLine();

                String input[] = s.split(":"); // parse strings in between the dash character
                for(String temp : input ) {
                    String hometeam = input[0];
                    String awayteam = input[1];
                    String homescore = input[2];
                    String awayscore = input[3];

                /*for(int a=0; a<input.length; a++)//length is the property of array



  • Move your System.out.println(fruits[0]); from inside your for loop to outside your for loop like this -

                Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
                for (int b=0; b < 5; b++) {
                   System.out.println("please enter match result:");
                   String s = sc.nextLine();
                   String input[] = s.split(":"); // parse strings in between the dash character
                   for(String temp : input ) {
                        String hometeam = input[0];
                        String awayteam = input[1];
                        String homescore = input[2];
                        String awayscore = input[3];