OK. It's easy enough to do this in classic iOS, but WatchKit doesn't give any blocks/closures, and there isn't a choice between with/without animation.
I have a root controller that has a list of options. Touching one of the options (on either the watch or the phone) will close any currently open controller (popToRootController), then immediately, push a new one.
More or less, like so:
self.pushController(withName: "IKANHAZCHEEZEBURGR", context: nil)
The problem is that there isn't enough time between the calls, and there's no lambda for me to execute a semaphore or push the controller.
If I step through with the debugger, it happens, no problem. If I just hit "run," it no work. This is what is known as a "heisenbug".
I guess I could do a one-shot timer, but that seems to be such a hideous hack that it may actually cause a disruption of The Force.
Any better ideas? What am I missing?
I know there's a TON of answers for iOS. They don't do me a whole lot of good, here.
Well, I succumbed to The Dark Side, and did the timer hack. It works. I need to give it around 0.4 seconds per open controller.
Here's an approximation of what I did:
let _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.4, target: self, selector: #selector(self.timerCallback(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
func timerCallback(_ timer: Timer) {
if let timerIndex = timer.userInfo as? Int {
if 0 <= timerIndex {
DispatchQueue.main.async {self.pushController(withName: "IKANHAZCHEEZEBURGR", context: nil)}
UPDATE: I do want to mention that, even though this "solves" my issue, the issue that this issue is even an issue is an issue. My design was bad, and I am redesigning the basic navigation. I'll be using a page-based approach, instead of this hierarchical design.
On general principle, if I need to hack to make it work, I'm usually better off doing it a different way.