I have a module where I try to create some users.
$newUser = array(
'name' => "Bob",
'pass' => "pass",
'mail' => "a@a.com",
'status' => 1,
'init' => "a@a.com"
$newUserObject = user_save(null, $newUser1);
If a user is all ready created with the same mail address i am not getting false returned I get the user object who all ready existed. Is there any way I can be told that the user all ready exists.
You could try calling user_load with the email address before trying to create the user, to see if it returns a user object. Here's an example (borrowed from here):
//search by email
$account = user_load(array('mail' => check_plain($email)));
if ($account->uid) {
//user found
} else {
//user NOT found