I tried to declare an object of a PCL class with
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> PointCloudT; // in the .h file.
PointCloudT::Ptr object = new PointCloudT(); // in main func
PointCloudT::Ptr scene = new PointCloudT(); // and these two triggers the error of
1>f:\cpps\pclrclass\pclrclass\main_routine.cpp(10): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'PointCloudT *' to 'boost::shared_ptr>'
but it works if the declaration is given by
PointCloudT::Ptr object(new PointCloudT); // in main func
PointCloudT::Ptr scene(new PointCloudT); // works and correct
I am not good at C++ and don't know what the problem is of this error. Could anyone tell a little about it.
The new PointCloudT()
expression yields a raw pointer to a point cloud, PointCloudT *
is a synonym for boost::shared_ptr<PointCloudT>
, a smart pointer to a point cloud. You can look up the synopsis of this template class here. As you can see, it has a constructor
template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y * p);
which in our case becomes
explicit shared_ptr(PointCloudT * p);
This means that it can be constructed from a raw pointer to a point cloud. Note the explicit
keyword, which forbids implicit construction and copy-initialization.
This is why the first snippet gives error (you request implicit conversion between two different classes), and the second snippet works (you explicitly call the constructor of shared pointer).