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Realm. How to migrate with Date from outer class

Now I have a schema like this:

class Entries {
 String name;
 Date date;
 RealmList<Entry> entries;

class Entry {
 int id;
 int hours;
 int minutes;

And now i need migrate to schema like this:

class Entry {
 int id;
 Date date;

So i need to take a date from Entries class, and set it to each Entry in list and set a hours and minutes from existing fields.

How I can do this via migration?


  • Specifically you need to write following code (or something very similar):

    public class Migration implements RealmMigration {
        public void migrate(final DynamicRealm realm, long oldVersion, long newVersion) {
            RealmSchema schema = realm.getSchema();
            // Migrate from version 0 to version 1
            if (oldVersion == 0) {
                RealmObjectSchema entriesSchema = schema.get("Entries");
                RealmObjectSchema entrySchema = schema.get("Entry");
                entrySchema.addField("date", Date.class);
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                RealmResults<DynamicRealmObject> entriesList = realm.where("Entries").findAll();
                for (DynamicRealmObject entries : entriesList) {
                    RealmList<DynamicRealmObject> entryList = entry.getList("entries");
                    for (DynamicRealmObject entry : entryList) {
                        Date date = entries.getDate("date");
                        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, entry.getInt("hours"));
                        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTES, entry.getInt("minutes");
                        entry.setDate("date", calendar.getTime());
        // hashCode, equals