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DaggerAppComponent not created

With dagger 2.10 I used to be able to create the app component by doing

    sAppComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
            .appModule(new AppModule(this))
            .sessionModule(new SessionModule())
            .netModule(new NetModule())
            .dataModule(new DataModule())

I was already using the AndroidInjector for Activities and everything was fine. Now I switched to 2.11 and I can't find the way to create the app component. In the google tutorial I see:


to be added in the onCreate of the Application. In my case DaggerYourApplicationComponent = DaggerAppComponent. The problem is that DaggerAppComponent class isn't created anymore.

I have:

public class App extends implements HasActivityInjector {
    @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> mDispatchingActivityInjector;
    public void onCreate() {

        sAppComponent = DaggerAppComponent.create().inject(this); //here the error


@Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent {
        void inject(App app);

in the build.gradle file I have:

def daggerVer = 2.11
compile "$daggerVer"
compile "$daggerVer"
annotationProcessor "$daggerVer"


  • With the dependencies listed below everything works:

    If you are using Kotlin

    apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
    dependencies {
        def daggerVer = 2.27 // or latest version
        implementation "$daggerVer"
        implementation "$daggerVer"
        kapt "$daggerVer"
        kapt "$daggerVer"

    If you are using Java:

    dependencies {
        def daggerVer = 2.27 // or latest version
        implementation "$daggerVer"
        implementation "$daggerVer"
        annotationProcessor "$daggerVer"
        annotationProcessor "$daggerVer"

    See google tutorial

    You can find the latest release number here.