I have an ajax form for creating a new Category.
<%= form_for(@category, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>
<%= f.text_field :name %> <%= f.submit 'Add' %>
<% end %>
In the controller:
def index
@category = Category.new
def create
@category = Category.new(params[:category])
When I submit the form, I see this in my log...
Started POST "/categories" for at Tue Dec 14 13:31:46 -0500 2010
Processing by CategoriesController#index as JS
My routes file has:
resources :categories
Partial output of "rake routes":
GET /categories(.:format) {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"index"}
POST /categories(.:format) {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"create"}
And, I'm including this new helper in my html HEAD that generates some tags that are needed for rails 3 unobtrusive javascript support:
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
Any ideas?
Found the issue. There was an erroneous line in my routes file that was hijacking the route.