I have Multiple number of Images in directory and want to convert it from images to text files. I have to do it manually in terminal one by one. which is headache process. SO, my question is how can i run my code on that folder which contain images.
Here is the terminal command to convert it into text :
convert captcha.png -resize 200% -type Grayscale input.tif #instead of input.tif i want same file name so, i can recognise easily
tesseract -l eng input.tif output #output name as same as file name
Simpler method, no Python, just using two terminal commands, one that converts all the files to TIFF, and one that calls tesseract on each TIFF file:
Convert all your images to TIFF
convert '*.png' -resize 200% -type Grayscale +adjoin -set filename:name "%t" '%[filename:name].tif'
Call tesseract on the results:
for f in *.tif;do tesseract -l eng "$f" "$(basename "$f" .tif).txt";done
(you can skip the double quotes ("
) if there are no spaces in your file names.
Replacement for step 1) if output names look weird:
for f in *.png;do convert "$f" -resize 200% -type Grayscale "$(basename "$f" .png).tif";done