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C++ How to access derived class member from base class pointer without using a static_cast or dynamic_cast?

I saw the following question and I asked myself if there is a better way to address this problem, so there is no need for a cast. Consider the following code:

#include <iostream>

class Base
        virtual ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base
        int someVar = 2;

        int getSomeVar () {return this->someVar;}   

int main()
    Base    B = Base(); 
    Derived D = Derived();

    Base *PointerToDerived  = &D;
    Base *PointerToBase     = &B;

    std::cout << dynamic_cast<Derived*>(PointerToDerived)->getSomeVar() << "\n"; //this will work
    std::cout << dynamic_cast<Derived*>(PointerToBase)->getSomeVar() << "\n"; //this will create a runtime error

    return 0;


Is there a better way to design this, so no cast is needed and runtime errors like this can be avoided?


  • The visitor pattern use double dispatch to allow you to use class-specific member function and member variable (opposed to member function/variable available through the hierarchy).

    To implement the visitor pattern, you need a visitor and a hierarchy of visited (in your example it's Base and the classes derived from Base). With your example it would give something like that:

    class Base
            virtual ~Base() {}
            virtual void visit(Visitor) = 0;
    class Derived : public Base
            int someVar = 2;
            int getSomeVar () {return this->someVar;}
            void visit(Visitor& v) {
    class Visitor {
             void visit(Derived& d) {

    The idea behind the visitor is that this of Derived know it's real type while a polymorphic variable (a Base& or Base*) don't. OverridingBase::visit allow you to call the visit who will do the dispatch to the right Visitor::visit.

    If you don't override Base::visit, when calling it on a Base& (or Base*) it will call the function on a Base object (so this will be of type Base*). That's why in the example Base::visit is abstract, doing otherwise will only make error more likely to happen (like forgetting to override visit).

    When adding a new type in the Base hierarchy (for example a Derived2 class), you will need to add two functions: Derived2::visit and Visitor::visit(Derived2) (or Visitor::visit(Derived2&)).


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