In Swift 3 I have two variables declared like this:
let patternArray = [true,true,false,true,true,false,true,true]
var resultArray = [Bool]()
Later in my code I have this, to get part of the array:
resultArray = patternArray [0..<4]
Whe compliling I get this error message:
Cannot subscript a value of type '[Bool]' with an index of type 'CountableRange<Int>'
I have no idea why. Am I making some obvious mistake?
I am using Xcode Version 8.3.2.
Moreover I have checked that this kind of syntax works in Playground.
This is because subscripting using a range gives you an ArraySlice<T>
You are trying to assign an ArraySlice<Bool>
to a [Bool]
, which results in a type mismatch. The swift compiler is apparently too stupid to point this out. The swift compiler searches for subscripts that returns a [Bool]
but can't find any so it tells you that you can't subscript... which is a pretty weird logic. Maybe this will get fixed in Swift 4.
Just initialise a new [Bool]
resultArray = [Bool](patternArray[0..<4])