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Emoticons in TextBlock in WPF application

I want to add emoticons to WPF chat application. I know that wpf don't supports emoticons for that reason I am replacing emoticons with image. I am using inline property of textBlock to add images to textBlock but, I having problem with alignment of images. I am not able to make emoticon images to get properly aligned. I am sharing a screenshot of how it is looking.

Screenshot of app window

This is how emoticon is looking

the example is just a demo where I am adding elements in constructor only to see how it will look. I am sharing my code as well.

        @out.Inlines.Add(new Run("Hii, my name is Ajay!!"));
        Image emo = new Image();
        emo.Height = 15;
        emo.Width = 15;
        emo.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
        emo.Margin = new Thickness(3, 0, 0, 0);
        emo.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\test1.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
     // InlineUIContainer container = new InlineUIContainer(emo);

Is there any way I can make emoticon image properly align? Is it OK to use textblock or I should use any other control for this?

Any help is highly appreciated.


  • A few potential options may be:

    set the Top margin on the Image. it's in the format of LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM

    emo.Margin = new Thickness(3, 4, 0, 0);

    Another option is to wrap the image in a Run and set the BaselineAlignment.

    var imageRun= new Run(emo);
    imageRun.BaselineAlignment = BaselineAlignment.TextBottom; //experiment with the other enum options

    adjust the text rather than the image (though i would keep trying with the image and use this as a last resort).

    var textRun = new Run("Hii, my name is Ajay!!");
    textRun.Margin = experiment;
    textRun.BaselineAlignment = experiment;
    @out.Inlines.Add(textRun );