Just want to hear expert opinion. From your experience is it still worth to use latest Crosswalk (which recently has been announced to stop being actively developed) on Android 7 instead of native webview in terms of performance?
I have just finished a map app, where I use leaflet, vue and Framework7. The app uses a big overlay, has local tiles, a big virtual listview and a lot of markers on a small area.
If I use the app without crosswalk, the speed is "okay", but a little bit slow on modern devices on creating the virtual listview if you scroll with high speed.
On old devices the app is unuseable. One of my oldest devices is a Samsung Tab 2 with lineageos 13 (Android 6) and the app is very, very slow. On my Sony Tablet, Android 4.x the app is nearly dead.
With crosswalk it is running like formula 1 on modern devices and good on old devices.
So, in my next project, where I also need a lot of math, I will also use crosswalk.
Android 7 is nice and much better then older Androids, but slow device hardware is slow and not everybody has a top smartphone or tablet.