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Lumen 5.4 Log info level to separate file

Using Lumen Framework 5.4, I am trying to write Log::info('etc') into a separate file, storage/logs/info.log. However, the code I have found logs log level info and above into the seperate file, while I want just the info log level to be logged into my custom file.

In bootstrap/app.php:

$app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) {
    $handler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/info.log'), Monolog\Logger::INFO, false);
    $handler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(null, null, true));


    return $monolog;

How can I make sure that Lumen will log level info into storage/logs/info.log and all other log levels into the default log file, storage/logs/lumen.log?


  • You Can use multiple StreamHandlers for handling different level of log.

    Try this:- It will log INFOin info.log file & others in logs.log file

    $app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) {
    $infoHandler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("logs/info.log"), Monolog\Logger::INFO, false);
    $noticeHandler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("/logs/logs.log"), Monolog\Logger::NOTICE, false);
    $infoHandler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(null, null, true));
    $noticeHandler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(null, null, true));
    return $monolog;


    One note on that snippet, the order you push the streamhandlers on is important: push the most restrictive on last, so that it is hit first. Otherwise, say if you pushed the infoHandler on last, it would log everything above it also and an error wouldn't make it to the error handler.

    So push your handlers in Increasing levels of severity

    Source:- Advance Logging with Laravel and Monolog