Is it possible to change the throttle parameter (in this case "30") dynamically at runtime? Or do I have to create a new subscription with a new throttle time?
let disposable = Observable.combineLatest(objectA.asObservable().skip(1),
scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] _ in
My solution would be to dispose of the current subscription and create a new subscription with the new desired throttle time. But is there a better solution?
The functional, declarative nature of RxSwift favors making a new observable/subscription with new parameters as needed instead of changing the throttle parameter dynamically for an existing observable.
For example, make a function for your observable that sets the throttle interval.
func throttled(with interval: Double) -> Observable<({TYPE_OF_A}, {TYPE_OF_B})>
let scheduler = ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .default)
return Observable
scheduler: scheduler)
Then, if you need to dispose the subscription, you can use a dispose bag and subscribe again with a new throttle parameter.
var bag: DisposeBag! = DisposeBag()
throttled(with: 30).subscribe(onNext: { _ in
}).disposed(by: bag)
bag = DisposeBag()
throttled(with: 20).subscribe(onNext: { _ in
}).disposed(by: bag)
bag = DisposeBag()
throttled(with: 10).subscribe(onNext: { _ in
}).disposed(by: bag)