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how to handle redirect_uri_mismatch error when Android app obtains offline access for Web back-end?

I wanted to implement a flow described in this question:

Authenticating with OAuth2 for an app *and* a website

Google solution for this requirement was described in here:

I followed this guide but unfortunately when I use the authorization code in backend to get access to the token and refresh the token from google, google throw this error:

  "error": "invalid_request",
  "error_description": "Missing parameter: redirect_uri"

redirect_uri has no meaning for this situation because the client-side is android.

There is also some advice who they said use "postmessage" as redirect uri or use http://localhost as redirect uri or add server address in redirect URIs in your google app console, but none works for this flow.


  • Spend two days and researched almost all issues on stackoverflow and google before deeply investigated AppAuth library ( and and finally found an answer.

    So, there are two rules I've found:

    1. redirect_uri should be one of :

      • your app bundle_id or package_name + :/ or :// + *your_path* (for example com.example.myapp://google_auth)
      • your client_id in reverse DNS form + :/ or :// + *your_path* (for example com.googleusercontent.apps.*account_id*:/my_path)
    2. redirect_uri in initial authorization code request ( and in authorization code exchange request ( must be totally the same