I'm playing around in CL, making a One-Dimensional version of Battleship before I try to tackle a full Two-Dimensional version, and I've hit a hangup. To check if the boat is there, I've represented it with zeroes, and when a spot is hit, I replace it with an asterisk, so I can check the list with numberp
. However, when I run (new-game)
, it immediately finishes, which tells me that I'm not entering the zeroes correctly so that they are recognized as numbers. What am I doing wrong? I know it must be a rookie mistake.
;;;; Suez-Canal.lisp
;;;; A simple, 1-Dimensional version of Battleship
;;;; The computer places a boat randomly, and you must sink it.
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))
(defparameter *boat-length* 3)
(defparameter *canal-length* 10)
(defparameter *shots-fired* 0)
(defun new-game ()
(init-canal *canal-length*)
(format t "It took you ~a shots to sink the boat." *shots-fired*))
(defun init-canal (len)
(defparameter *canal* (make-list len)))
(defun place-boat ()
(let ((pos (random-spot)))
(setf (nth pos *canal*) 'O)
(setf (nth (+ pos 1) *canal*) 'O)
(setf (nth (+ pos 2) *canal*) 'O)))
(defun random-spot ()
(let ((x (random 7)))
(defun game-loop ()
(loop until (notany #'numberp *canal*)
do (progn
(check-guess (read-guess))
(incf *shots-fired*))))
(defun prompt-for-guess ()
(format t "~&Enter in a number between 1 and 10 to fire a shot.~&"))
(defun read-guess ()
(parse-integer (read-line *query-io*) :junk-allowed t))
(defun check-guess (guess)
(if (and (<= guess 9)
(>= guess 0))
(fire-shot guess)
(format t "~&Invalid selection~&")
(check-guess (read-guess)))))
(defun fire-shot (pos)
(if (= (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) 0)
(setf (nth (- pos 1) *canal*) #\*)
(print "Hit!"))
(print "Miss!")))
You are not entering zeroes at all, but rather the letter 'O'.
Other notes:
Do not use DEFPARAMETER inside DEFUN. Define the variable at top level, and inside the initialization function just SETF it.
Do not use lists for random access. Use arrays.
Numerical comparison operators will signal an error when given a non-numeric value. Use EQL for general comparisons.