live template can be used as described here:
android studio: how to use the fbc live template
But this is very long and time-consuming process. Also, the change described in the answer will create default variable name e.g. textView for TextView object and we again have to rename it. So again, this takes more time than expected and unnecessary cursor movement.
How to use fbc
in a more efficient way such that it requires less key strokes?
We can achieve this by making only a small change in fbc live template.
Make a change in template:
Press Ctrl + Shift + A
Select Live Templates Settings
Select fbc
under Android and click on Change
and make sure that Statement
and Expression
are checked. Then, click OK.
Use the template:
Declare your variable:
TextView myVar;
write your variable name which you can do pretty fast using code completion and assign fbc and then
myVar = fbc + <TAB>
this would expand to
myVar = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.);
Now, press TAB, select id and press TAB. You are done.