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problems with mouse hovering on a whole page

Since last week I've been creating an HTML site, and I've been using mouse hovering to make image move when your cursor hover on a hyperlink, so everything seems fine and I mostly finished it but there is something that I quite don't understand, I've created 3 hyperlink with 3 mouse hovering images, but the last one actually hovers on the whole page of the site.

I have no idea why or where it does that so that is why I'm here to ask you this question. You can take a look at my html:

.college .image {
  margin-left: 100px;
  margin-top: 475px;
  position: absolute

.college .imagesecond {
  transform: translate(0px, 500px);
  transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
  border-radius: 8px;
  overflow: hidden;

.college:hover>.imagesecond {
  transform: translate(0, -200px);

.lycee .image {
  margin-left: 700px;
  margin-top: 500px;
  position: absolute

.lycee .imagefourth {
  transform: translate(0px, 300px);
  transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
  border-radius: 8px;
  overflow: hidden;

.lycee:hover>.imagefourth {
  transform: translate(0, -200px);

.formations .image {
  margin-left: 1250px;
  margin-top: 510px;
  overflow: hidden;

.formations .imagesixth {
  transform: translate(0px, 400px);
  transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
  border-radius: 8px;
  overflow: hidden

.formations:hover>.imagesixth {
  transform: translate(0, -900px);

body {
  background: url("") 33em 0% fixed no-repeat;
  position: fixed;
  background-color: rgb(0, 85, 170);
<!doctype html>

  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css" />

  <title> sainte marie </title>


  <div class="saintemarie">
    <a href="college/collegesaintemarie.html">
      <div class="college">
        <img class="image imagefirst" src="" />
        <img class="image imagesecond" src="" />

    <a href="lycee/lyceesaintemarie.html">
      <div class="lycee">
        <img class="image imagethird" src="" />
        <img class="image imagefourth" src="" />

    <a href="c&formation/c&fsaintemarie.html">
      <div class="formations">
        <img class="image imagefifth" src="" />
        <img class="image imagesixth" src="" />



Do you have any ideas that can help me? Or improve my lines of code that I've made so far? Thank you alot!


  • You need to use left and top rather than margin-left and margin-top. The margins of the images are causing the a tag to expand in size.

    .college .image {
      left: 100px;
      top: 475px;
      position: absolute
    .college .imagesecond {
      transform: translate(0px, 500px);
      transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
      border-radius: 8px;
      overflow: hidden;
    .college:hover>.imagesecond {
      transform: translate(0, -200px);
    .lycee .image {
      left: 700px;
      top: 500px;
      position: absolute
    .lycee .imagefourth {
      transform: translate(0px, 300px);
      transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
      border-radius: 8px;
      overflow: hidden;
    .lycee:hover>.imagefourth {
      transform: translate(0, -200px);
    .formations .image {
      left: 1250px;
      top: 510px;
      overflow: hidden;
    .formations .imagesixth {
      transform: translate(0px, 400px);
      transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out 0.2s;
      border-radius: 8px;
      overflow: hidden
    .formations:hover>.imagesixth {
      transform: translate(0, -200px);
    body {
      background: url("") 33em 0% fixed no-repeat;
      position: fixed;
      background-color: rgb(0, 85, 170);
    <!doctype html>
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css" />
      <title> sainte marie </title>
      <div class="saintemarie">
        <a href="college/collegesaintemarie.html">
          <div class="college">
            <img class="image imagefirst" src="" />
            <img class="image imagesecond" src="" />
        <a href="lycee/lyceesaintemarie.html">
          <div class="lycee">
            <img class="image imagethird" src="" />
            <img class="image imagefourth" src="" />
        <a href="c&formation/c&fsaintemarie.html">
          <div class="formations">
            <img class="image imagefifth" src="" />
            <img class="image imagesixth" src="" />