Has anyone tried to run Redmine using IronRuby? Is it possible?
I think the answer is NO at present... doing a bit of google searching I found various people asking a few trying and some raising issues...
Currently, Redmine is only supported on Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 and on Ruby Enterprise Edition. There are currently efforts ongoing to have Redmine running on jRuby and Rubinius. As there are not that many core devs running windows, I would not assume that anyone actively works on IronRuby compatibility. If you are willing to help and code needed patches, you are welcome to speak up on http://redmine.org.
Redmine, yaml files can't have % in them..
In my fruitless efforts to get redmine running on IronRuby one of the things i discovered were that the lines like these: "field_done_ratio: % Done" in the locale yaml files throwed exceptions. if i removed the "%" it worked (or at least i went one step further).
(gave up after these 16hours, my last obstacle were infinite redirection while accessing localhost:3000/, although accessing localhost:3000/login went well, but after that you couldn't do anything.. )