I am using v4 of react-router-dom
I need to access this.props.match
in my nav bar component so I can set the active class. I'm using react-materialize. In the <NavItem>
tag, I want to add className={this.props.match ? 'active' : ''}
. However, I can't seem to access the match. Props is an empty object every time when I print it in the console.
My Nav.js
<Navbar brand='Fuzic' href="/" className="orange darken-3" right>
<NavItem className={this.match ? 'active' : ''} href="/devices">Devices</NavItem>
<NavItem><Link to="/devices">Media</Link></NavItem>
<NavItem><Link to="/devices">Alarms</Link></NavItem>
<NavItem><Link to="/devices">Interrupts</Link></NavItem>
<NavItem><Link to="/auth">Admin</Link></NavItem>
My App.js
<div className="container">
<PropsRoute exact path="/" component={Auth}/>
<PropsRoute exact path="/devices" component={Devices} devices={this.state.devices} setCurrentDevice={this.setCurrentDevice} />
<PropsRoute path="/devices/:deviceId" component={Detail} currentDevice={this.state.currentDevice} />
<PropsRoute path="/auth" component={Auth}/>
<PropsRoute component={NotFound}/>
helper.js - combines props passed by me & props passed from react-router
// Exerp From: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/issues/4105
export const renderMergedProps = (component, ...rest) => {
const finalProps = Object.assign({}, ...rest);
return (
React.createElement(component, finalProps)
export const PropsRoute = ({ component, ...rest }) => {
return (
<Route {...rest} render={routeProps => {
return renderMergedProps(component, routeProps, rest);
Most of the documentation and articles online are for v2&3. The docs for v4 don't go into detail on how to handle this. Many people nested a route for their app. However, when I do that, I get a stack overflow in the console with a print of the frames.
How do I fix this so I can get access to match?
On your Nav component, try using react router's <NavLink>
instead of <Link>
is a special version of the <Link>
that will add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL.
has activeClassName and activeStyle properties that you can use them to apply style to your active navigation item.
For example a basic navigation would be like this:
<NavLink activeStyle={{color: 'red'}} to="/foo">Foo</NavLink>
<NavLink activeStyle={{color: 'red'}} to="/bar">Bar Group</NavLink>
<NavLink activeStyle={{color: 'red'}} to="/another-foo">Another Foo</NavLink>
<NavLink activeStyle={{color: 'red'}} to="/another-bar">Another Bar</NavLink>
Where activeStyle represents the style to apply to the element when it is active.
And below the same example via activeClassName:
<NavLink activeClassName="selected" to="/foo">Foo</NavLink>
<NavLink activeClassName="selected" to="/bar">Bar Group</NavLink>
<NavLink activeClassName="selected" to="/another-foo">Another Foo</NavLink>
<NavLink activeClassName="selected" to="/another-bar">Another Bar</NavLink>
activeClassName is the class to give the element when it is active. For this example I choose it to be selected
. By default in react-router v4 given class for the active state is active
Find more about <NavLink>
on react-router v4 documentation