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Simplify SCSS @import paths with WebPack 2

I currently have a project setup that uses the sass-loader WebPack plugin. This means that we can easily import SCSS from node_modules using the following:

@import "~bootstrap/scss/mixins/breakpoints";

Is there a way I can create a shortcut like above, to make imports of my own SCSS files a bit simpler. I would like to be able to convert for example:

@import '../../../../styles/app';


@import '~styles/app';

or even

@import 'styles/app';

I currently have the following resolver settings in my webpack.config.js:

// ....
resolve: {
    alias: {
        selectize$: path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/selectize/dist/js/selectize')
    extensions: ['.ts', '.js'],
    modules: ['./node_modules']
resolveLoader: {
    modules: ['./node_modules']


  • To get it working, I changed the node-sass importer options through sass-loader to allow loading for example styles/app from src/styles/app

        exclude: [ /* excludes */ ],
        test: /\.scss$/,
        loaders: [
                loader: 'sass-loader',
                options: {
                    importer: (url, prev, done) => {
                        if (url[0] === '~') {
                            url = path.resolve('node_modules', url.substr(1));
                        } else if (url.startsWith('styles/')) {
                            url = path.resolve('src/', url);
                        return {file: url}

    This way, WebPack is happy, and after adding the src path in WebStorm as a Resource Root, autocompletion still works, and WebStorm is not complaining that it can't find the file.

    This StackOverflow question was quite useful in resolving my issue.