I use MySQL Workbench to copy a table MS SQL to MYSQL server. It's possible to select the data between 2 date ?
Today this export lasts 3h with more than 150K rows and I would like to speed up the treatment.
You must run migration wizard once again, but in 'Data Transfer Setup' step choose 'Create a shell script to copy the data from outside of Workbench' option. After that Workbench generate shell script for you, which may look similar to this:
# Workbench Table Data copy script
# Workbench Version: 6.3.10
# Execute this to copy table data from a source RDBMS to MySQL.
# Edit the options below to customize it. You will need to provide passwords, at least.
# Source DB: Mysql@localhost:8000 (MySQL)
# Target DB: Mysql@localhost:8000
# Source and target DB passwords
if [ -z "$arg_source_password" ] && [ -z "$arg_target_password" ] ; then
echo WARNING: Both source and target RDBMSes passwords are empty. You should edit this file to set them.
# Uncomment the following options according to your needs
# Whether target tables should be truncated before copy
# arg_truncate_target=--truncate-target
# Enable debugging output
# arg_debug_output=--log-level=debug3
/home/milosz/Projects/Oracle/workbench/master/wb_run/usr/local/bin/wbcopytables \
--mysql-source="root@localhost:8000" \
--target="root@localhost:8000" \
--source-password="$arg_source_password" \
--target-password="$arg_target_password" \
--thread-count=$arg_worker_count \
$arg_truncate_target \
$arg_debug_output \
--table '`test`' '`t1`' '`test_target`' '`t1`' '`id`' '`id`' '`id`, `name`, `date`'
First of all you need to put your password for source and target databases. Then change last argument of wbcopytables
command from --table to --table-where and add condition to the end of line.
Side note: you can run wbcopytables
command with --help argument to see all options.
After all you should get script that looks like similar to:
# Source and target DB passwords
if [ -z "$arg_source_password" ] && [ -z "$arg_target_password" ] ; then
echo WARNING: Both source and target RDBMSes passwords are empty. You should edit this file to set them.
# Uncomment the following options according to your needs
# Whether target tables should be truncated before copy
# arg_truncate_target=--truncate-target
# Enable debugging output
# arg_debug_output=--log-level=debug3
/home/milosz/Projects/Oracle/workbench/master/wb_run/usr/local/bin/wbcopytables \
--mysql-source="root@localhost:8000" \
--target="root@localhost:8000" \
--source-password="$arg_source_password" \
--target-password="$arg_target_password" \
--thread-count=$arg_worker_count \
$arg_truncate_target \
$arg_debug_output \
--table-where '`test`' '`t1`' '`test_target`' '`t1`' '`id`' '`id`' '`id`, `name`, `date`' '`date` >= "2017-01-02" and `date` <= "2017-01-03"'
I hope that is helpful for you.