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how to solve hg commit abort: Unresolve merged conflicts.?

Hello everyone i am facing a serious problem i am going to describe the whole scenario.There is a branch abc on bitbucket i have cloned it in my system.

hg clone -b abc <link>

After that i have created a local branch xyz on which i have started working and use to add commit and push to remote.But now i have switch to abc branch and pull all the changes from remote abc no conflicts were there:

hg pull

hg update

hg update xyz (checkout to xyz branch)

Then i merge abc

hg merge abc

Solved all the conflicts and started my work again.

hg status shows me the list of all files M

hg add .

hg commit
error: unresolved merged conflicts

I dont wanted to lose anything,i have copied all the files in which i have made changes after the merge.Will i lose all the merged changes by this command hg update -C.Please help me out to solve this really in a mess.


  • TL;DR

    After the hg merge, use the hg resolve --all command, so it will open all conflicts to be resolved.