I'm using paypalrestsdk for Credit Card Payment. When I switch to SANDBOX mode and make a request, the paypal service return me this:
{'update_time': u'2016-11-17T16:47:46Z',
{'payment_method': u'credit_card',
'funding_instruments': [
{'first_name': u'first_name',
'billing_address': {'city': u'London', 'postal_code': u'123','line1': u'fooo', 'country_code': u'EN'},
'expire_month': u'12',
'number': u'xxxxxxxxxxxx1111',
'last_name': u'last_name',
'expire_year': u'2020',
'type': u'visa'}}]},
'links': [
{'href': u'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment/PAY-1GH35642K71421451LAW56MQ',
'method': u'GET',
'rel': u'self'}
'transactions': [
{'item_list': {
'items': [
{'currency': u'USD',
'price': u'367.77',
'name': u'Foooo',
'quantity': u'10'}],
'shipping_address': {'city': u'London', 'line1': u'line1', 'recipient_name': u'name', 'phone': u'321312', 'state': u'state', 'postal_code': u'123', 'country_code': u'EN'}},
'related_resources': [],
'amount': {'currency': u'USD', 'total': u'3688.77', 'details': {'subtotal': u'3677.70', 'shipping': u'11.07'}},
'description': u'Charge for order: #1'}],
'state': u'created',
'create_time': u'2016-11-17T16:47:46Z',
'intent': u'sale',
'id': u'PAY-1GH35642K71421451LAW56MQ'}
why is the related_resources empty? How can i test my code in sandbox mode? Of course in PRODUCTION mode related_resources contain sales as in example: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/accept-credit-cards/
The number of credit card is 4111111111111111.
is not working anymore, you can try with an other one like 4929931129414294