I have this piece of code which loads a csv from another site.
LOAD CSV FROM 'https://www.quackit.com/neo4j/tutorial/genres.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Genre { GenreId: line[0], Name: line[1]})
But when I upload the same csv to my github account and try it, it gives me an error.
LOAD CSV FROM 'https://www.quackit.com/neo4j/tutorial/genres.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Genre { GenreId: line[0], Name: line[1]})[![enter image description here][2]][2]
I only changed the link and nothing else. How do I resolve this?
You need to use the RAW version of the file.
On your github repo, click on your genres.csv file and then click on RAW
Then copy the url and use it in your LOAD CSV command :