I am trying to create a cookie
and set the value depending on a column called 'User_ID'
. I then view the cookie in my browser and find that the value is:
I want the User_ID to be displayed i.e. 2 and not the command. How do I go about doing so? the code below is the code to set the cookie.
$sql2 = "SELECT Student_ID FROM `tblaccounts` WHERE Email='$username'";
$cookie_name2 = "userID";
$cookie_value2 = $sql2;
setcookie($cookie_name2, $cookie_value2);
You need to run mysql query and get value of student id.
$result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT Student_ID FROM `tblaccounts` WHERE Email='$username'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$cookie_value2 = $row['Student_ID'];
$cookie_name2 = "userID";
setcookie($cookie_name2, $cookie_value2);