I am creating a SCIM complient APP for OneLogin. I have implemented SCIM API. It works fine for /Users Request.
But I am not getting what will be the format for /Groups Request and when it will be sent. In which format they are sent and How to assign groups to people. And how to apply mapping for it..I Have read this article( https://developers.onelogin.com/scim/implement-scim-api ) on provisioning for this but it doesn't give me clear insights. Also, Can one user be in multiple groups?
The first step would be to configure your application to first enable provisioning for the Groups attibute in your SCIM connector (this tells OneLogin that your application supports Groups)
Once that's done, you should 'Refresh Entitlements' and OneLogin will call the app's groups endpoint to retrieve what groups are available to assign users to.
From there you can add Rules to the application in OneLogin that assign users to groups and users can be assigned to as many groups as you want.
Details can be found here: https://developers.onelogin.com/scim/create-app