I'm trying to get the cloud foundry oauth-token from a devops pipeline deploy stage:
cf push $CF_APP
accessToken=$(cf oauth-token | grep bearer | sed -e s/bearer/Bearer/g)
echo accessToken=$accessToken
# use token in Auto Scaling API call ...
curl $createPolicyUrl -X 'PUT' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-H 'Accept:application/json' \
-H "Authorization:$accessToken" \
--data-binary @${policyJson} \
-s -o response.txt -w '%{http_code}\n'
The output from the echo command is:
How can I retrieve the oauth token?
Note that cf push
works ok in the script ecen though there isn't a cf login
performed in the deploy script. Therefore, I'm assuming cf oauth-token would not need login either. Is this a valid assumption?
Update: I added cf login
to my deploy script:
cf push $CF_APP
cf login
accessToken=$(cf oauth-token | grep bearer | sed -e s/bearer/Bearer/g)
echo accessToken=$accessToken
The output:
cf login not allowed.
See also my similar question on reconfiguring availability monitoring in a devops deploy stage.
Make sure to do a cf login
to log in before you run the cf oauth-token
command. Also make sure to double quote "Authorization:$accessToken"
so the variable is substituted.
Update: It looks like you can access the oauth-token from within the script via the $CF_TOKEN
environment variable. The token is associated with the owner of the pipeline, not the user running the current pipeline stage.