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How do you bind an event to a directive?

I have my directive and I would like to pass to the directive the $event.

I am dropping an element on the div and via the event I pass the obj that I am dropping.

My default (onDropSuccess)="onDropSuccess($event)", picks up the event and I can do everything, but how do I pass it via the directive as I would like to on (onDropSuccess) pass the event to my colordrop directive and do some magic functions there.


import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges, HostListener, ViewChild, ViewChildren} from "@angular/core";

    selector: '[colorDropModel]',
   host: {
    '(onDropSuccess)' : 'addColor()'

export class colorDropDirective  {
@Input() colorDropModel: string; 
  constructor(  private _elementRef: ElementRef){}

  addColor(event) {
    console.log('colorDropModel', event)



    Dropable area 


  • You dont have to add event on div if you are trying to access event for your directive. In your directive you can do this:

    @HostListener('onDropSuccess') onDropSuccess() {

    and if you want to do some magic on the element you can always get the element reference like this


    and after getting hold of the element you can implement you magic. Hope this will help!