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how to type sudo password when using

i defined a function that switch my proxy settings every now and then, problem is that i want it to run in a loop without manual intervention. But when i execute the program in sudo it gets called the first time en runs smoothly, second time it asks me for my sudo password. Here is the bit of code:

def ProxySetting(Proxy):
    print "ProxyStetting(Proxy)"
    call("networksetup -setwebproxy 'Wi-Fi' %s" "on" % Proxy, shell = True)
    call("networksetup -setsecurewebproxy 'Wi-Fi' %s" "on" % Proxy, shell = True)
    call("networksetup -setftpproxy 'Wi-Fi' %s" "on" %Proxy , shell=True)

I could use threading but am sure there is a way of doing it that wont cause problems. How can i hard code my sudo password so that it runs at the beginning of the function?


  • Here you can execute a command sudo without interactive prompt asking you to type your password :

    from subprocess import call    
    pwd='my password'
    call('echo {} | sudo -S {}'.format(pwd, cmd), shell=True)