I need to enlarge Maya's UI as shown here as the letters and fonts are way too small. The problem however is that this solution is based on 2016 version, a setting which, presumably, changed for the latest version. How to do the same with v.2017?
Fonts can be enlarged via modifying a script into the app's package.
If you are using Mac, go to
If you are using Windows, go to
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya20xx\resources\MayaStrings
(Where xx the version of your Maya copy)
You need to backup first and edit MayaStrings with an editor and go search and find
// String set: s_TschemeResources
and now all you have to do is to change the first number of font's size for your os (mac or win) accordingly. i.e.:
s_TschemeResources.rBoldLabelFont_mac = "13,1,0,0,0,0,Lucida Grande" s_TschemeResources.rBoldLabelFont_win = "13,1,0,0,0,0,Tahoma"