I have a swift 3 string that looks like this:
var str:String = "first name: \nkevin\nlast name:\nwilliams"
when printed, it looks like this:
first name:
last name:
xxx field:
408 878 2125
I want to find the ranges of fields that start with "\n" and end with ":" so I can apply attributes to them. The field names may vary. For example, I could have "phone number:" or "address:" in other cases. how do I do this in swift 3?
an example is that I want to apply italics to the field names. so a result might be:
first name: kevin
last name: williams
xxx field: 408 878 2125
(The spaces after the colons got formatted out by stackoverflow).
A versatile and suitable solution is Regular Expression
let string = "first name: \nkevin\nlast name:\nwilliams"
let pattern = "\\n?(.*):"
do {
let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern)
let matches = regex.matches(in: string, range: NSRange(string.startIndex..., in: string))
for match in matches {
let swiftRange = Range(match.rangeAt(1), in: string)!
} catch {
print("Regex Error:", error)
Btw: The first entry does not start with \n