I'm trying to build a sentiment analysis model on a csv file on using the text analytics api on azure
This is the code I used:
for j in range(0,num_of_batches): # this loop will add num_of_batches strings to input_texts
input_texts.set_value(j,"") # initialize input_texts string j
for i in range(j*l//num_of_batches,(j+1)*l//num_of_batches): #loop through a window of rows from the dataset
comment = str(mydata["tweet"][i]) #grab the comment from the current row
comment = comment.replace("\"", "'") #remove backslashes (why? I don’t remember. #honestblogger)
#add the current comment to the end of the string we’re building in input_texts string j
input_texts.set_value(j, input_texts[j] + '{"language":"' + "pt"',"id":"' + str(i) + '","text":"'+ comment + '"},')
#after we’ve looped through this window of the input dataset to build this series, add the request head and tail
input_texts.set_value(j, '{"documents":[' + input_texts[j] + ']}')
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key':account_key}
Sentiment = pd.Series()
batch_sentiment_url = "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/text/analytics/v2.0/sentiment"
until now every thing is fine, but when I try to get the data from the api I get an error in the final part
for j in range(0,num_of_batches):
# Detect sentiment for the each batch.
req = urllib2.Request(batch_sentiment_url, input_texts[j], headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
result = response.read()
obj = json.loads(result.decode('utf-8'))
#loop through each result string, extracting the sentiment associated with each id
for sentiment_analysis in obj['documents']:
Sentiment.set_value(sentiment_analysis['id'], sentiment_analysis['score'])
#tack our new sentiment series onto our original dataframe
This error
HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
You're getting a 400 error because your JSON is malformed (mismatched quotes around 'pt'). I don't think you're doing yourself any favors by using the pandas
module for the outgoing request, or attempting to hand-craft the JSON. In particular you are vulnerable to errant quote marks or escape characters screwing things up.
Here's how you might do it instead:
input_texts = []
for j in range(0,num_of_batches): # this loop will add num_of_batches strings to input_texts
documents = []
for i in range(j*l//num_of_batches,(j+1)*l//num_of_batches): #loop through a window of rows from the dataset
'id': str(i),
'text': str(mydata["tweet"][i])})
req = urllib2.Request(batch_sentiment_url, json.dumps(input_texts[j]), headers)