I've followed the Tensorflow Reading Data guide to get my app's data in the form of TFRecords, and am using TFRecordReader in my input pipelines to read this data.
I'm now reading the guides on using skflow/tf.learn to build a simple regressor, but I can't see how to use my input data with these tools.
In the following code, the app fails on the regressor.fit(..)
call, with ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../tf.py", line 138, in <module>
File ".../tf.py", line 86, in run
regressor.fit(x, labels)
File ".../site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/estimators/base.py", line 218, in fit
File ".../site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/io/data_feeder.py", line 99, in setup_train_data_feeder
return data_feeder_cls(X, y, n_classes, batch_size)
File ".../site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/io/data_feeder.py", line 191, in __init__
self.X = check_array(X, dtype=x_dtype)
File ".../site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/io/data_feeder.py", line 161, in check_array
array = np.array(array, dtype=dtype, order=None, copy=False)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.learn as learn
def inputs():
with tf.name_scope('input'):
filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename])
reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
_, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, feature_spec)
labels = features.pop('actual')
some_feature = features['some_feature']
features_batch, labels_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
[some_feature, labels], batch_size=batch_size, capacity=capacity,
return features_batch, labels_batch
def run():
with tf.Graph().as_default():
x, labels = inputs()
# regressor = learn.TensorFlowDNNRegressor(hidden_units=[10, 20, 10])
regressor = learn.TensorFlowLinearRegressor()
regressor.fit(x, labels)
It looks like the check_array
call is expecting a real array, not a tensor. Is there anything I can do to massage my data into the right shape?
It looks like the API that you were working with is depreciated. If you use a more modern tf.contrib.learn.LinearRegressor
(I think >= 1.0), you are supposed to specify the input_fn
, which basically produces the inputs and labels. I think in your example, that would be as simple as changing your run
function to:
def run():
with tf.Graph().as_default():
regressor = tf.contrib.learn.LinearRegressor()
and then defining an input function called my_input_fn
. From the docs, this input function takes the form:
def my_input_fn():
# Preprocess your data here...
# ...then return 1) a mapping of feature columns to Tensors with
# the corresponding feature data, and 2) a Tensor containing labels
return feature_cols, labels
I think the documentation can get you the rest of the way. It is difficult from here for me to say how you should proceed without seeing your data.