I’m now implementing ng2-smart-table in my application. I want to display table footer below the table for additional information such as Sum Amount, Discount Amount and so on.
This is my code in typescript file
settings = {
columns: {
seq: {
title: '#',
editable: false,
width: '10%'
productName: {
title: 'Product Name',
editable: false
qty: {
title: 'Qty.',
width: '10%'
uom: {
title: 'Uom',
width: '10%'
price: {
title: 'Price',
valuePrepareFunction: (price) => {
var formatted = this.thbCurrencyPipe.transform(price, 2);
return formatted;
discount: {
title: 'Disc.'
amount: {
title: 'Amount'
And I load data in ngOnInit()
ngOnInit() {
this._utilityService.LoadPosDummyData().subscribe(data => {
this.datas = data;
This is ng2-smart-table
tag I used in Html
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="datas"></ng2-smart-table>
I would create a separated component to show the Sum information you want, listen to data updates on the main table and update the footer component.
On your html
<ng2-smart-table #grid
On your component
Subscribe for the on changed source observable from the smart-table
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.table.grid.source.onChangedSource.subscribe(() => {
// update other component with the SUM