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7Zip execute 2 extractions from 2 different subfolders (only first executes)

Okay I'm at a total loss.

I am trying to extract all the XMLs and PDFs from a 7zip file. There is more stuff inside said file, so I just want to extract from the PDF folder and the XML folder. Leaving the file structure behind and not searching in any other folders.

I am using the 7Zip command line to do this.

I have two sub routines that I execute which are almost identical.

sub Extract_pdfs_from_this
  my ($file, $destination) = @_;

  my $sevenzip_executable = '\\\\server\7-Zip\7z.exe';
  my $extract_pdfs = "$sevenzip_executable e -y  -o$destination $file output\\JETPDF\\DISB\\*.pdf ";

  print STDOUT "\n\nExtracting PDFs From $file \n>>$extract_pdfs \n";
  print STDOUT "Finished Extracting PDFs \n";



sub Extract_xmls_from_this
  my ($file, $destination) = @_;

  my $sevenzip_executable = '\\\\server\7-Zip\7z.exe';
  my $extract_xmls = "$sevenzip_executable e -y  -o$destination $file staging\\DISB\\OnBase\\*.xml ";

  print STDOUT "\n\nExtracting XMLs From $file \n>>$extract_xmls \n";
  print STDOUT "Finished Extracting XMLs \n";


and I use it like so...

    my $in_extraction_directory = dirname(__FILE__);
    my $input_subdirectory = "$directory\\$subdirectory";
    my @in_seven_zip_files = Get_all_sevenzips_in($input_subdirectory);

    foreach my $sevenzip_file (@in_seven_zip_files)
          $sevenzip_file = "$input_subdirectory\\$sevenzip_file";
      Extract_pdfs_from_this($sevenzip_file, $in_extraction_directory);
      Extract_xmls_from_this($sevenzip_file, $in_extraction_directory);

When executed the PDFs get extracted but not the XMLs. I get an error, there are no files to process.

I feel like 7zip is hung up on the file from the previous call. Is there a way to close it or release the file?

Any help appreciated, much time wasted on this.



  • User error... Works just how it should. I had a condition:

    unless ($number_of_pdfs == $number_of_xmls)
          print STDOUT "The number of PDFs and XMLs did not match!\n\n";
          print STDOUT "PDFs: $number_of_pdfs \nXMLs: $number_of_xmls\nFile: $sevenzip_file \nExtraction Directory: $output_directory\n\n";

    and in the first file I was extracting, the XML was not in the correct path... Someone didn't follow pattern. Very embarrassing thanks for the response.