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Sqlcmd Subtract date

I have created the following batch file to run a query, and save the results in a .csv file.

sqlcmd -S MyLogin -i LocationToSql -E -o "C:\Users\user\Desktop\query result\result2-%date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-10,2%.csv" -s";" -w 700

Right now, i'm saving the result as: result2-2017-06-21.csv
However, i would like it to be: result2-2017-06-20.csv

But i don't know how to subtract 1 day of the command.
The date is defined like:



  • I slightly modified a script I recently posted here:

    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set day=%date:~-10,2%
    set month=%date:~-7,2%
    set year=%date:~-4,4%
    echo.%day%|findstr /r /b "0">nul&&set day=%day:~1%
    echo.%month%|findstr /r /b "0">nul&&set month=%month:~1%
    set /a day-=1
    if %day% lss 1 (
        set /a day+=30
        set /a month-=1
        if !month!==2 (set /a day-=2
                       set /a leap=year%%4
                       if !leap!==0 set day+=1
        for /l %%# in (1 2 7) do if %month%==%%# set /a day+=1
        for %%# in (8 10 12) do if %month%==%%# set /a day+=1
        if !month!==0 (
            set month=12
            set /a year-=1
    set day=0%day%
    set month=0%month%
    echo %year%-%month:~-2%-%day:~-2%

    This will echo the date of yesterday in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also edit the line with set /a day-=1 to subtract mutliple days.