I have table to store attendance data of my employee as below:
EmployeeID| Date |EnterTime|ExitTime|
1 |2017-01-01|07:11:00 |15:02:00|
2 |2017-01-01|07:30:00 |12:00:00|
2 |2017-01-02|07:00:00 |15:00:00|
1 |2017-01-02|07:30:00 |10:00:00|
1 |2017-01-02|11:20:00 |15:00:00|
1 |2017-01-03|09:30:00 |10:00:00|
1 |2017-01-03|11:20:00 |15:00:00|
Actually my working time is from 07:00:00 to 15:00:00 .
I want To sum up the absence time of each employee for example : in 2017-01-01 for employee ID 2 , is 03:00:00 hours as absence and in date 2017-01-02 for employee ID 1 is 01:00:00 hour. In Date 2017-01-03 , employee id 1 , is 02:30:00 and employee id 2 absence is 08:00:00 hour because there is no log in my table. Finally need following report:
EmployeeID|TotalWorkingHour |TotalAbsenceHour|
1 |sum(EnterTime-ExitTime)|05:09:00 |
2 |sum(EnterTime-ExitTime)|11:30:00 |
I get total working seconds by following select,but don't know how to calculate absence seconds:
select EmployeeID,
sum(datediff(second,Convert(DATETIME, EnterTime, 114), Convert(DATETIME, ExitTime, 114)) ) as TotalWorkingSeconds
from Attendance
where Attendance.Date between @FromDate and @ToDate
and (EnterTime is not null)
and (ExitTime is not null)
group by EmployeeID
It might be not the final and perfect solution, but it works out:
DECLARE @StartDate DATE, @EndDate DATE
SET @StartDate = '2016-12-31'
SET @EndDate = '2017-01-05' -- GETDATE()
SELECT alldate_and_employee.EmployeeID
,COALESCE(employee_workingdays.WorkingMinutes,0) as TimeWorked
,(alldate_and_employee.PlannedWorkingTime - COALESCE(employee_workingdays.WorkingMinutes,0)) as WorkedTooLessMinutes
-- returns a table with a combination of all Employees and all Dates
SELECT DISTINCT EmployeeID, datelist.Date, 480 as PlannedWorkingTime
FROM mytable
-- selects all dates between @StartDate and @Enddate
SELECT DATEADD(DAY,number+1,@StartDate) [Date]
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = 'P'
AND DATEADD(DAY,number+1,@StartDate) < @EndDate
) datelist
) alldate_and_employee
-- groups the working time of each employee for a working day
,SUM(DATEDIFF(minute, EnterTime, ExitTime)) as WorkingMinutes
FROM mytable
) employee_workingdays
ON employee_workingdays.Date = alldate_and_employee.Date
AND employee_workingdays.EmployeeID = alldate_and_employee.EmployeeID
ORDER BY alldate_and_employee.Date, alldate_and_employee.EmployeeID