I'm trying to get my first robot test running, but whatever I try, I get the following exception:
My test looks like
*** Settings ***
Documentation A resource file containing the application specific keywords
Library Selenium2Library
*** Test Cases ***
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Im using the following versions:
It's caused by something in the following jar.
When I add this dependency also fitnesse test (whithout this jar it's working) gives the same exception.
The problem was that I used Fitnesse, Cumber and Robot Framework in 1 maven module. It's for a demo application to show how these framworks can fit in our jenkins 2 pipeline. Fitnesse and Cucumber were using Selenium 3 and robotframework-selenium2library-java
doesnt seem to work with a Selenium 3. So there are conflicts.
To solve this I put every test framework in a seperate maven module wich will fix the problem. Also gives this me more flexibility with the selenium versions in the future.