Gulp serve:before
tasks are not running in the Ionic CLI v3. They used to run well in Ionic CLI 2 and Ionic CLI 1.
gulp.task('serve:before', ['watch']);
This is the task. My app uses Ionic 1 and I did the necessary configurations and it is running well on Ionic CLI 3 upon ionic serve
but not the gulp task serve:before
is not running.
I believe you can update your code from:
gulp.task('serve:before', ['watch'])
gulp.task('ionic:watch:before', ['watch'])
If you install the ionic gulp plugin here.
My task also had a 'default' task, which can just be included alongside the watch task as before, so mine currently looks like this:
gulp.task('ionic:watch:before', ['default', 'watch'])
The weird thing is that it does not show any of the code being compiled on startup as it used to, but it does seem to actually do this.
I had to update the task name to the following in ionic cli 4:
gulp.task('ionic:serve:before', ['default', 'watch'])