I successfully built my app for Android, but naturally things are not that simple for IOS for a windows user.
This question has been asked many times before in many places at different times in different versions, but I'm interested to see if there's any up-to-date info on the issue.
Here's an old topic with a variety of answers: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/how-to-build-app-for-iphone-without-mac/19929/19
I'm using ionic 3 and I'd like to build for the latest IOS, My PC OS is Windows 10. Does Ionic provide any way to make this process easier?
I understood that in the latest IOS an apple dev account is no longer a requirement for testing. How do I test without one? (perhaps it's possible only when using a MAC?)
How do I use PhoneGap Build with Ionic? https://build.phonegap.com/apps
It requires apple app certificate and keys to build.
Am I supposed to manually create a config.xml? https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-template-hello-world/blob/master/www/config.xml
After doing some research I found out that ionic has a cloud packaging service. https://ionicframework.com/pro/package (previously https://docs.ionic.io/services/package/ [link dead])