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Change referenceequals to equals in reference.cs

I have a wpf app that uses a wcf webservice. Its my webservice and app, so I can make changes to either side. In the Reference.cs file that gets automatically genereated by visual studio it uses this code for the property changed event:

    public string Value {
        get {
            return this.ValueField;
        set {
            if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.ValueField, value) != true)) {
                this.ValueField = value;

For strings though what I would really like is this:

    public string Value {
        get {
            return this.ValueField;
        set {
            if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.ValueField, value) != true)) {
                if (this.ValueField != value)
                    this.ValueField = value;

That way the property changed event would not go off if the value is the same. Why this is an issue is because I listen to the OnPreviewTextInput of a textbox and change the value programmatically, then the event goes off twice, once because I changed it and once because wpf changed it via binding.



  • If you control both the server and the client, you can define your type in a seperate assembly, which you then reference from both projects.

    In the WCF reference add dialog advanced settings you can tell it to re-use types, then it will use whatever implementation of your data object exists in the common assembly on the client.