Suppose i have a string as below
input = " \\PATH\MYFILES This is my sting "
output = MYFILES
from RHS when first char '\' is found get the word (ie MYFILES) and erase the rest.
Below is my approach i tired but its bad because there is a Runtime error as ABORTED TERMINATED WITH A CORE.
Please suggest cleanest and/or shortest way to get only a single word (ie MYFILES ) from the above string?
I have searching and try it from last two days but no luck .please help
Note: The input string in above example is not hardcoded as it ought to be .The string contain changes dynamically but char '\' available for sure.
std::regex const r{R"~(.*[^\\]\\([^\\])+).*)~"} ;
std::string s(R"(" //PATH//MYFILES This is my sting "));
std::smatch m;
int main()
To erase the part of a string, you have to find where is that part begins and ends. Finding somethig inside an std::string
is very easy because the class have six buit-in methods for this (std::string::find_first_of
, std::string::find_last_of
, etc.). Here is a small example of how your problem can be solved:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string input { " \\PATH\\MYFILES This is my sting " };
auto pos = input.find_last_of('\\');
if(pos != std::string::npos) {
input.erase(0, pos + 1);
pos = input.find_first_of(' ');
if(pos != std::string::npos)
std::cout << input << std::endl;
Note: watch out for escape sequences, a single backslash is written as "\\"
inside a string literal.