How can I select a node via python before the one currently selected?
For example, I want to add a "Clamp" node exactly before all "Write" ones.
This code snippet allows you to define a node upstream existing Write node.
import nuke
iNode = nuke.toNode('Write1')
def upstream(iNode, maxDeep=-1, found=None):
if found is None:
found = set()
if maxDeep != 0:
willFind = set(z for z in iNode.dependencies() if z not in found)
for depth in willFind:
upstream(depth, maxDeep+1, found)
return found
Then call the method upstream(iNode)
And a script's snippet you've sent me earlier should look like this:
allWrites = nuke.allNodes('Grade')
depNodes = nuke.selectedNode().dependencies()
for depNode in depNodes:
queueElem = len(allWrites)
trigger = -1
for i in range(1,queueElem+1):
trigger += 1
for write in allWrites[(0+trigger):(1+trigger)]:
for all in nuke.allNodes():