I'm using Firebase for its Firebase Cloud Messaging service. I have 2 account, each of which has a project with and Android App.
Account A -> Project A -> Android App A
Account B -> Project B -> Android App B
I need to delete Project A and migrate everything to Project B (Android and iOS apps, nothing else).
Here's what I've done so far:
I now need to add the SHA1s, used in Android App A, in Android App B, but I always get an error.
I'm thinking this could need some time to take effect, during which time I can't use the same SHA1 in another app.
It takes up to 1 month to delete a project from firebase to prevent unintended removal. AFAIK, you cannot use your key during that period.
upd. If you used a debug store (usually placed in ~/.android/debug.keystore
) and generated 'androiddebugkey' like this
keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey \
-keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore \
-storepass android -keypass android
you can always delete the ~/.android/debug.keystore
file and generate new SHA1.