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How to use tortoisegit on upgraded project?

Our company development projet's source control has been hosted on for over a year and now the project has just been upgraded to an IBM Bluemix Continuous Delivery toolchain.

Right now the only way I have been able to get oursource and modify it on Windows 7 has been to generate a token on the web site and git clone in a DOS prompt and provide the token as password when prompted.

I have been using TortoiseCVS, TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit for a dozen years and generating the SSH key with OpenSSL and putting it on the web site works, but TortoiseGit's Pageant does not want to load it.

Does anyone have a procedure that works as of 2017-06 ?



  • Thanks @Robin for getting me to try SSH again, I had given up on it ("immediate gratification always takes too long").

    The following recipe now works correctly for me with TortoiseGit version I can clone, commit and push correctly from an updated Bluemix Git repo with TortoiseGit only.

    Log in to > click My Projects > click project name > click the "use the new toolchain" link > click on the Git link (in the box in the middle)

    Copy my project's SSH link that starts with "[email protected]"

    Click on my name link > click on the pencil image icon on the upper right of the page > click on "SSH Keys" tab

    Open Puttygen version 0.67 from my TortoiseGit menu folder > select SSH2-RSA radio button > click Generate button > copy key from field "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file" (make sure to copy everything by scrolling all the way down, this was likely my mistake earlier) > paste into Bluemix "Key" field of the web page

    In Puttygen, click the "Save private key" button > Save as PPK extension file in a location you will find easily later.

    (optional) In Puttygen, click the "Save public key" button > Save

    Open Pageant from TortoiseGit menu folder > this action will bring up an icon in the bottom right of your screen in the Windows taskbar > right-click on icon > select the "Add Key" item in the pop-up menu > add the just-generated private key PPK > right-click on icon > select the "View Keys" item in the pop-up menu > make sure your key was loaded.

    Next, open an empty folder in Windows Explorer > right-click in the emptiness > select the "Git Clone..." item in the pop-up menu > this opens the TortoiseGit Clone dialog window > paste the project's SSH link > enter the desired project branch > Pray > click the "OK" button.

    This cloned my Git repo correctly .

    I modify a README text file > Commit > Push and that works. We are back in e-business.

    I hope this helps out someone else!