I have a data set that has ID, datetime + bunch of value fields.
The idea is that the records are within one hour of each other are one session. There can only be one session every 24 hours. (Time is measured from the start of the first record)
The day() approach does not work as one record can be 23:55 PM and the next one could be 12:01 AM the next day and it would be the same session.
I've added rowid and ran the following:
data testing;
set testing;
by subscriber_no;
prev_dt = lag(record_ts);
prev_row = lag(rowid);
time_from_last = intck("Second",record_ts,prev_dt);
if intck("Second",record_ts,prev_dt) > -60*60 and intck("Second",record_ts,prev_dt) < 0 then
same_session = 'yes';
else same_session = 'no';
if intck("Second",record_ts,prev_dt) > -60*60 and intck("Second",record_ts,prev_dt) < 0 then
rowid = prev_row;
else rowid = rowid;
format prev_dt datetime19.;
ID record_TS rowid
52 17MAY2017:06:24:28 4
52 17MAY2017:07:16:12 5
91 05APR2017:07:04:55 6
91 05APR2017:07:23:37 7
91 05APR2017:08:04:52 8
91 05MAY2017:08:56:23 9
input file is sorted by ID and record TS.
The output was
ID record_TS rowid prev_dt prev_row time_from_last same_session
52 17MAY2017:06:24:28 4 28APR2017:08:51:25 3 -1632783 no
52 17MAY2017:07:16:12 4 17MAY2017:06:24:28 4 -3104 yes
91 05APR2017:07:04:55 6 17MAY2017:07:16:12 5 3629477 no
91 05APR2017:07:23:37 6 05APR2017:07:04:55 6 -1122 yes
91 05APR2017:08:04:52 7 05APR2017:07:23:37 7 -2475 yes This needs to be 6
91 05MAY2017:08:56:23 9 05APR2017:08:04:52 8 -2595091 no
Second row from the bottom - rowid comes out 7, while I need it to come be 6.
Basically I need to change to the current rowid saved before the script moves to assess the next one.
Thank you Ben
I've achieved what I needed with
proc sql;
create table testing2 as
select distinct t1.*, min(t2.record_TS) format datetime19. as from_time, max(t2.record_TS) format datetime19. as to_time
from testing t1
join testing t2 on t1.id_val= t2.id_val
and intck("Second",t1.record_ts,t2.record_ts) between -3600 and 3600
group by t1.id_val, t1.record_ts
order by t1.id_val, t1.record_ts
But I'm still wondering if there is a way to commit changes to current row before moving to assess the next row.
I think your logic is just:
If that's the case, you can use RETAIN to keep track of the first record_TS and rowID for each ID. This should be easier than lag(), and allows there to be multiple records in a single session. Below seems to work:
data have;
input ID record_TS datetime. rowid;
format record_TS datetime.;
52 17MAY2017:06:24:28 4
52 17MAY2017:07:16:12 5
91 05APR2017:07:04:55 6
91 05APR2017:07:23:37 7
91 05APR2017:08:04:52 8
91 05MAY2017:08:56:23 9
data want;
set have;
by ID Record_TS;
retain SessionStart SessionRowID;
if first.ID then do;
else if (record_TS-SessionStart)<(60*60) then RowID=SessionRowID;
drop SessionStart SessionRowID;
ID record_TS rowid
52 17MAY17:06:24:28 4
52 17MAY17:07:16:12 4
91 05APR17:07:04:55 6
91 05APR17:07:23:37 6
91 05APR17:08:04:52 6
91 05MAY17:08:56:23 9