I've gotten rid of all my other compile-time errors except "compilation unit expected", which starts right after my import statements. I'm guessing I need to create a package? And if so, how do I do it? I have a few functions all living in the same .ADB file.
EDIT: So I gave it a shot...
Check out my package:
-- Import Statements
with Ada.Text_Io;
use Ada.Text_Io;
package body MyPackage is
-- Declarations
-- Functions
end MyPackage;
But gcc screams when it sees MyPackage:
a_.adb:27:18: loop or block statement must follow label
a_.adb:27:18: reserved word "array" cannot be used as identifier
a_.adb:28:01: declarations must come before "begin"
Maximus graCimuS
Those compiler messages can't belong to the code you posted (because it doesn't have 28 lines).
In any case, GCC will expect this code to be in a file mypackage.adb
; and will require there to be a package spec in mypackage.ads